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Roland Barthes is the third theorist that I had to study for my media research, he is a French semiologist who suggested that narrative works with five different codes which call upon the reader to make sense of it.

Barthes' Codes include:

  • Action Code - a narrative device by which a resolution is produced through an action sequence, e.g. a shoot-out

  • Enigma Code - a narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved by the protagonists. Works to delay the story's ending pleasurably.

  • Symbolic - Connotation

  • Semic - Denotation

  • Cultural - a narrative device which the audience can recognise as being part of the culture e.g. a "made man" in a gangster film is part of the mafia culture.

I believe that some of Barthes' codes can apply to my production, in my production, I had used both the action and enigma codes. The action code I had used a lot throughout my work, as my protagonist occasionally encounters gun shoot-outs with the antagonists within and around the city of London, which is where my production is set. My protagonist, Mason, also enters hand to hand action with his antagonists. I had used the Enigma code at the ending of my trailer to tease my audience, I reveal that my protagonist, Mason, has remembered who he really is after subduing a bunch of government agents, he then punches the camera which fades to static noise. This sudden moment may entice people to watch more, as they want to see what will happen after that scene or sequence.

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