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This is a location recce that I had to create in-search of an office building/hallway that I needed to find for an action sequence that I wanted to include within the movie trailer. I had to produce it as I needed to inform the people who were letting me to film of what I would be doing with the location, how long I would take, what I would be using, and any potential filming problems I would encounter.

Production Schedule

Title of Film: 'Vigil'

For: Media Studies A2 Coursework - To produce a full-length movie trailer.

Director: Jonash Cortez

Produced by: Enigma Ent. (A media group produced by my peers: Joshua, Russell, Louis, and I.)

Approx No' of people involved:

There will be around 10-12 people involved in the production.

I will direct, whilst my peers film, and the rest of us will ac.

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note:

We are looking for a hallway/door entrance location that can be used to film an action sequence that will be featured in our trailer. We also require the ability to control the lights, as to turn the lights off/on during the scene.


Government Agents who are chasing our protagonist, Mason, decide they have to eliminate him, and in the process of raiding his apartment/office/etc, they find themselves taken by surprise, as Mason knew they were coming.

  1. Agents approach door with guns

  2. Agents get ready to breach door

  3. One agent gestures... "3..2..1---"

  4. Lights suddenly go off as agents look up

  5. Cuts to several agents on the floor with only two agents conscious

  6. Protagonist enters a stare down with one agent as he covers behind the other for protection.

Agents will be wearing suits/formal wear, whilst our protagonist will be wearing smart/casual clothing.

Estimated time to film:

It will take around 45-60 minutes to film, taking into consideration the different takes, shots, and angles.

Potential Filming Problems:

We will be using prop-guns that are featured in the action sequence, we understand the risks associated with carrying these guns and know that we have to handle them with care, as it may cause an incident with other people who may not know that we are filming.

Equipment being used:

Cameras, Prop Guns.

Additional notes:

The ability to control the lights is vital for the context of the scene.



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